Heyo! Here’s issue two of Free Digital Tools!!
Hope you’ve been having fun with Remix and Headliner App (or at least that you bookmarked them away for future use).
Today we’re looking at 2 tools that will help you write more compelling copy. Or at the least, help your writing when it feels a bit stuck.
But before we delve into today’s tools, please help take a moment to help spread the love about this little project and invite a few folks to subscribe today. Thank you! 🙏
Tool type: website
I’m a writer. I write social media content, emails, webcopy, blog posts, scripts… you name it, I’ve probably written it (and/or edited it for someone else).
The more you write, the more you find yourself regularly coming back to the same words and phrases.
There are loads of synonym finders and thesaurases (can that word be plural?!) on the internet. And they’re great — I use them all the time.
But sometimes, I don’t want another word that means the same thing. Sometimes I want… you guessed it… a related word.
And when that’s the case, I head to RelatedWords.org.
The site is extremely simple. You type in a word or a short phrase and they pop out a long list of related words.
Even if none of their words are perfect, it can be a great way to get the creative juices flowing and find new and interesting ways to express yourself.
This site is totally free.
Hemingway App
Tool type: website and desktop app
You’ve likely heard of Grammarly. It’s a plugin that serves as spellcheck for everything you do online.
I often joke that Grammarly won’t make you a better writer, but it will help you avoid sending embarrassing typos in your copy.
Hemingway App is similar, but instead of focusing on typos, it’s focused on simplifying your writing.
Named after Ernest Hemingway, who always famously wrote in as few words as possible, this app helps you do just that.
You can write directly into their editor, or copy and paste your draft in. It will then give you loads of suggestions to make your writing clearer, more succint and easier to follow.
They color-coat their suggestions by recommendation type and give you the tools you need to write better and more readable copy.
Bookmark HemingwayApp.com today and tighten up your copy!
The web version is totally free. But if you want the desktop version, there’s a one-time fee of $19.99.
If you haven’t already, connect with me on Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok or Instagram.
I’m always looking for new free digital tools. Have any to share? Hit reply to this email or ping me on social.
Know anyone who might enjoy free digital tools in their inbox a few times a month?
Please forward them this email or send them to freetools.digital to learn more and subscribe.
Thanks for reading.
More soon!
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